
Welcome to TL;DR Saimoe, a blog dedicated to the great sport of cute 2D girls waging competition for the crown by a bunch of obsessed weeaboos looking to elect their waifu to the stage. Since 2002 Japanese organizers have organized this tournament and it wasn’t until it spread to 4chan and other parts of the internet years later that I, and many others like me, got involved. In it’s 9th year of competition, over 500 characters were chosen from every anime series premiering from Summer 2010, to Spring 2011. Whittled down to a field of only 288 who advance to the main round, they then spend the next three months battling until only one remains.

Welcome to what many call “serious fucking business”.

Who Am I?
I go by the name Delta online, and I personally have involved myself in Saimoe since 2006, “The Year of the Desu” which drew a large response from 4chan, and subsequently laid the groundwork for foreigner bans in future tournaments. Since then I have loosely tracked my favorites in 2007 and 2008, but in 2009 I decided to scale it up like sports fans stare at stats all day, and I started a crude website and graphics, inspired by the good anon at AnimeSaimoe.org. English coverage of the tournament was sparse, a couple blogs, and AS.org tracking stats, animesuki forums providing details. In 2010 I upgraded my graphics and used Google Sites to render my work and my then-in-use WordPress blog “TL;DR Animu”. I had discovered other folks were in the same game, many of whom started before me and I hadn’t realized, such as Saimoe Reporter. Eager to continue pushing, I formed a seperate blog from my primary one for animu which is what you see here, and with 2011 now in swing, I have plenty to work with.

What Should I Expect From This Blog?
I wouldn’t expect anything honestly. As the title “TL;DR” implies, and in the style of my other blogs of the same names, I switch back and forth between short pointed details, and long winded wordswordswords. But for this tournament you can expect semi-regular updates on the matches, the results, and predictions and analysis, with possibly additional commentary from other folks I’ve aligned with or comments I see out on the websphere. Unfortunately due to my full-time job managing computer systems for ungrateful customers making real money in the real world. I cannot promise my full attention always, or the Moon, not to mention I support the efforts of the other fine folks who provide coverage and details besides me, so what you don’t see here, you have other places to go to find what you need. Those interested in vote tracking should visit Saimoe Reporter, and full stats on previous tournaments and results should head over to AnimeSaimoe.org.

What Is Saimoe Really?
It’s really what I told you in the first paragraph. A competition to see which girl in recently premiered anime is more “moe”. Your definition of “moe” varies from weeaboo to weeaboo, but the common definition is “cute” in that OMG IF I WAS TOTALLY A MARY-SUE AND 2D AND COULD JUMP INTO MY SCREEN I WOULD LICK HER UP AND DOWN AND MASTURBATE ALL OVER HER FACE sort of way. Personally it’s kinda creepy, so I stick to the notion of favorite characters. I’ve got 111 of them this year. Which ones do I want to see win? A lot, but Homu-Homu is one of them.

This is a Waste of Time. Watch a Real Sport
Oddly enough, as a child I was a NASCAR fan. I lived in the Midwest though. Living in New England however, being a NASCAR fan is like being picked last for a dodgeball game. I learned to adapt and eventually grew out of it. I don’t particularly enjoy most other sports, except baseball, but I’m neither a Yankess nor a Red Sox fan not being from around here originally, so no attachment to either. I would however like to see the Cincinnati Reds win, but the odds of that are like Hinagiku winning Saimoe. (and I’ll print this out, put spaghetti sauce on it, and eat it when that happens, frustra.)

Check out the sidebar for the latest group information and extras, and check in every weekend for updates during the main rounds. Once we get to the group finals and regular finals, is when the butthurt and factionfaggotry begins. Sit down, strap in, and shut up.

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